Eurydice was the wife of Orpheus and one day she stepped on a deadly viper and got bitten. Orpheus became terribly sad with her death so he decided to go into the underworld and beg to Hades to allow him to bring her back. He sang and played beautiful songs and finally managed to convince Hades, but only with one condition: Orpheus had to walk in from of Eurydice and must never look back until both of them reach the world of the living. So they started the journey, and by the end, Orpheus started to doubt that this was only a trick by Hades, so when he had already closed to the world of the living he looked back, and Eurydice was there, still in the shadows. When he looked back she vanished back to the underworld.
She represents the power of true love, perseverance, but also the acceptance of loss and keeping the faith.
When I saw this picture it reminded me of that myth, how she looks as she is fading back into the shadows. How sometimes we find the strength within ourselves to push further.